Official Degree in Event Organisation, Protocol and Institutional Relations

Events and institutional relations currently play a key role in the strategy of all kinds of organisations: political parties, public institutions and private firms in a wide variety of sectors (tourism, fashion, music, banking, sport or the automotive industry, amongst others) choose to develop communication strategies and brand experiences which can allow them to establish closer relationships with their different audiences.

Thus, we can see how the demand for professionals highly specialised in the fields of Event Organisation, Protocol and Institutional Relations to recruit them for their departments is growing.

Event Managers are the professionals who, thanks to the utilisation of tools typical of marketing, communication or institutional relations, can design unique experiences which allow all kinds of organisations to strengthen their brand image.

  • Director: Juan Antonio Sánchez
  • Tipo de título: Official Degree
  • Modality: Face to face and distance
  • Place: IMEP Headquarters Alicante (Arzobispo Loaces, 3 - 03003 Alicante)
  • Start: September 2024
  • Duration: 4 years
  • Price: Distance: desde 416,67€/mes (1er course, interest-free financing up to 12 months)

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    Job Possibilities

    Event Manager

    Event Manager

    Institutional Relations Manager

    Institutional Relations Manager

    Communication Manager

    Communication Manager

    Protocol consultant

    Protocol consultant

    Other Job Possibilities

    • Technical Expert in Institutional Relations, public affairs and lobbying
    • Protocol Manager/Head of Protocol
    • Congress Organiser
    • Head of Cabinet/Cabinet Manager
    • Protocol Technical Experts and Coordinators
    • Manager of Sporting and Cultural Events, Conferences, Fairs
    • Protocol and Event Organisation Consultant/Advisor
    • Management of Spaces for Events
    • Technical Expert in Production/Production Coordinator

    Teaching guides

    BasicCompulsoryTransversalityEnd-of-degree ProjectTotal
    60 créditos ECTS150 créditos ECTS24 créditos ECTS6 créditos ECTS240 créditos ECTS
    Second Degree Course – Second Semester

    Subject: External Relations: Public and Private

    Teacher: Paco Sanjuán - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Legislation on Protocol

    Teacher: Mª del carmen Portugal - Doctora |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Event Organisation II

    Teacher: Carlos Garulo - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Catering

    Teacher: Óscar Carrión - Graduate |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Professional skills

    Teacher: Miguel Molina - Doctor |
    Type: Obligatoria Créditos: 6 ECTS
    First Degree Course – First Semester

    Subject: Foundations of Psychology

    Teacher: Arancha García - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Spanish Language

    Teacher: Carmen Quintana - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Modern Language: English

    Teacher: Carmen Quintana - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Written, audiovisual and advertising language

    Teacher: Paula González - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Business organisation and administration

    Teacher: Mª Isabel Borreguero - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS
    First Degree Course – Second Semester

    Subject: Psychology of Communication

    Teacher: Paula González - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Communication

    Teacher: Miguel Molina - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Sociology of consumption, marketing and advertising

    Teacher: Mª José Cerdá - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Applied communication and code of ethics for communication

    Teacher: Fernando Olabe - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Protocol inside the firm

    Teacher: Juan Antonio Sánchez - Doctor |
    Type: Basic Créditos: 6 ECTS
    Second Degree Course – First Semester

    Subject: Computer Science

    Teacher: Jesús Mula - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Foundations of Event Organisation, Official Ceremonial and Protocol

    Teacher: Esther de la Pinta - Graduate |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Constitutional Law

    Teacher: Manuel Baelo - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Event Organisation I

    Teacher: Luis María Pizana - Graduate |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: State Ceremonial

    Teacher: Manuel Domínguez - Graduate |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS
    Third Degree Course – First Semester

    Subject: Event Organisation III

    Teacher: Antonio Bolaños - Graduate |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Scenographic techniques

    Teacher: José Sánchez- Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Project Design and Management

    Teacher: Paco Sanjuan - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: International Relations

    Teacher: Virgilio Candela - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Premial y Nobiliaria* (SE INCORPORA ESTA ASIGNATURA PARA LA PROMOCIÓN 2021-2025)

    Teacher: Manuel Domínguez - Graduate |
    Type: Obligatoria Créditos: 6 ECTS
    Third Degree Course – Second Semester

    Subject: Events in the Public Administration

    Teacher: Carlos Garulo - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Structure and processes in event production

    Teacher: Juan Antonio Sánchez Sáez - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: History of Protocol

    Teacher: Virgilio Candela - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Academic, religious and military ceremonial

    Teacher: Manuel Domínguez - Graduated |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Corporate Communication

    Teacher: Jesús Mula - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS
    Fourth Degree Course – First Semester

    Subject: Public marketing and political and institutional communication

    Teacher: Mª José Cerdá - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 7,5 ECTS

    Subject: Congresses, meetings, fairs and exhibitions

    Teacher: Paula González - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 7,5 ECTS

    Subject: New Technologies applied to events

    Teacher: Miguel Ángel Bango - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 4,5 ECTS

    Subject: Awards and Nobility

    Teacher: Manuel Domínguez - Graduate |
    Type: Required Créditos: 4,5 ECTS

    Subject: Public Relations

    Teacher: Paula González - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Event and experience marketing* (THIS SUBJECT IS INCORPORATED FOR THE 2021-2025 PROMOTION)

    Fourth Degree Course – Second Semester

    Subject: Optional Subject 1

    Type: Optional subject Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Optional subject 2

    Type: Optional subject Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Optional subject 3

    Type: Optional subject Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Internships in companies*

    Teacher: Paula González - Doctora |
    Type: 6 Créditos: Optional subject ECTS

    Subject: End-of-Degree Project

    Teacher: Juan Antonio Sánchez - Doctor |
    Type: Required Créditos: 6 ECTS
    Choice credits Degree

    Subject: German

    Teacher: Mª José Cerdá - Doctor |
    Type: Optional Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Italian

    Teacher: Mª José Cerdá - Doctor |
    Type: Optional Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Budgetary Management

    Teacher: Isabel Borreguero - Doctor |
    Type: Optional Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Production and logistics

    Teacher: Luis María Pizana - Graduated |
    Type: Optional Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Human Resource Management

    Teacher: Antonio Bolaños - Graduated |
    Type: Optional Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Journalistic writing

    Teacher: Jesús Mula - Doctor |
    Type: Optional Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: Social Responsibility

    Teacher: Juan Antonio Sánchez - Doctor |
    Type: Optional Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Subject: History of Art

    Teacher: Mª José Cerdá - Doctor |
    Type: Optional Créditos: 6 ECTS

    Information about the Degree

    Place reservation

    To formalize the reservation of place in the Official Degree in Organization of Events, Protocol and Institutional Relations the student must send the following pre-registration form completed to the email address, enclosing the following documentation:

    • Scanned copy of ID or passport in force.
    • Proof of receipt of the amount corresponding to the reservation of place.

    The reservation period of this Degree is established from February to Juny.

    *The place reservation payment will only be refunded in the event that a student should prove lack of compliance with the university access requirements.


    Once the registration period has been opened, the student must complete this registration form and send it to

    • Our methodology is based on a more practical approach, more collaborative and closer to your needs.
    • A training that revolves around HOW IT IS DONE, where learning is understanding the order in which things happen.
    • In IMEP we work so that you have an experience in the world of Events Organization, Protocol and Institutional Relations.

    *Note: The language used during the formative process will be Spanish.

    Basic Competences

    • BC1 – That students have proved to own and understand knowledge in a study area which starts from the basis of general compulsory education and is usually situated at a level that, despite being supported on advanced textbooks, equally includes a number of aspects which imply knowledge coming from the forefront of their study field
    • BC2 – That students are able to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the competences which are usually proved through argument preparation and defence and problem solving within their study area
    • BC3 – That students have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data (normally within their study area) in order to issue assessments that include a reflection on important topics of a social, scientific or ethical nature
    • BC4 – That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions both to a specialist and to a non-specialist audience
    • BC5 – That students have developed those learning skills which are necessary to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy

    General Competences

    • GC1 – Ability to identify, interpret, formulate and solve basic problems in the field of Social and Legal Sciences
    • GC2 – Capacity for leadership and negotiation
    • GC3 – Adequate knowledge of administrations, firms, institutions, public bodies and organisations in general, regulations and procedures required to carry out projects and other activities
    • GC4 – Ability to plan, organise, manage and supervise systems and processes, within a framework that guarantees respect for the basic values, rights and principles of legislation, business competitiveness, environment protection and conservation, and sustainable development of the field in question
    • GC5 – Ability to analyse the social dimension of the activity as well as corporate social responsibility. Sensitivity to face social issues
    • GC6 – Ability to develop new lines, processes, projects and products
    • GC7 – Critical and analytical capacity in the corresponding speciality area
    • GC8 – Ability to evaluate, optimise and compare criteria for decision-making
    • GC9 – Ability to communicate in formal, graphic and symbolic languages and by means of both oral and written expression
    • GC10 – Human resource management/coordination capacity for project execution
    • GC11 – Teamwork capacity
    • GC12 – Ability to update knowledge within the field of Social and Legal Sciences
    • GC13 – Ability to consolidate, enlarge and integrate the basic knowledge referring to the field of Social and Legal Sciences

    Specific Competences

    • SC1 – Ability to interpret social and consumer behaviours as well as the strategies for protocol-based intervention
    • SC2 – Ability to communicate in foreign languages at a B1 level
    • SC3 – Capacity for the development of marketing and communication strategies that favour institutional relations and event organisation
    • SC4 – Capacity for the implementation of business management techniques to manage protocol and institutional relations
    • SC5 – Ability to apply and develop the safety measures and legal requirements envisaged in the Spanish and EU legislation for events, public shows and the human as well as economic and material resources involved
    • SC6 – Ability to develop the professional skills and resources aimed at the development and innovation of public and private corporations
    • SC7 – Ability to develop event organisation projects by means of resource planning, technological tools and the adaptation to a previous budget
    • SC8 – Capacity for the development of sectorial organisational projects
    • SC9 – Ability to design and conceive the project staging aesthetic and technical presentation
    • SC10 – Ability to apply sectoral ceremonies and the use of appropriate official and specific symbols.

    Classes of the face-to-face course are taught:

    Monday to Friday

    The classes will be taught at the IMEP building in the center of alicante (C/ Arzobispo Loaces, 3)

    Classrooms in which classes are taught are:

    1ºGRD: Third floor Classroom 2 – From Monday to Friday from 10.00h a 13.50h

    2nd GRD: Fourth floor Classroom 3 – Monday to Thursday 10.00h a 13.50h

    3ºGRD: Third floor Classroom 1 – Monday to Thursday 16.00h a 20.00h (one of the classes from 10.00h to 14.00h)

    4th GRD: Third floor Classroom 2 – Monday to Thursday 16.00h a 20.00h (one of the classes from 10.00h to 14.00h)

    * Note: IMEP reserves the right to modify the place and time of classes for justified reasons.

    Access Requirements

    • Baccalaureate + PAUs, branch of Social and Legal Sciences
    • COU + Selectivity
    • Training cycles of Higher Degree or equivalent, branch Social and Legal Sciences
    • Access Test for people over 25 and 45 years old

    Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September, which establishes the organisation of university education and the procedure for quality assurance.


    This degree offers a total of 40 places.

     – Delegada 1º Grado –

     Andrea Roldán – Delegada 2º Grado –

    María Pérez – Delegada 3º Grado –

    Erika Gayete – Delegada 4º Grado –

    Students must complete a total of 24 ECTS credits corresponding to the Optional subject during the different courses of the Degree.

    You can choose between the following combinations to complete the 24 ECTS credits of the subject:

    • Take 4 optional subjects out of a total of 8 subjects offered (24 ECTS).
    • Carry out a combination of a percentage of practice hours and a percentage of elective subjects.
    • Exclusively in internship hours (600 h).

    Modalities of the Degree

    Face-to-face Modality

    Lessons in this face-to-face modality are imparted from Monday to Friday at the IMEP building in the center of alicante (C/ Arzobispo Loaces, 3)

    • English lessons twice a week
    • You will be trained to obtain the Oxford English Official Certificate
    • The exam fees are included in the price of the Official Grade
    • You will get two degrees once you finish

    Distance Modality

    Personal tutor and our virtual campus remains open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

    • You will be able to attend masterclasses in real time or watch them recorded
    • Your will have your own personal tutor
    • Face-to-face exams: the only time you will have to come will be to take the official exams
    • Internship Opportunities: You can do internships in a company with an agreement with the Miguel Hernández University of Elche during the last year of the degree

    Interesting Links

    Consult the information of the Official Degree in Organization of Events, Protocol and RRII on the website of the Miguel Hernández University
    Download all the information about the degree
    Degree enrollment form
    Degree enrollment form
    Consult all the information on official scholarships
    Consult all the information about IMEP’s own financial aid programme
    Consult the international mobility programme for practice periods
    See Page for internships in companies